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817-438-1898 / (817) 438-1898

Detailed information located for 8174381898 from Texas - TX

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Comment for 817-438-1898

Ralph E

Oct 04,2020 02:32 PM

I received a postcard from "Texas Refund Department". The phone number, 817-438-1898 is shown as the number to call for verification of "Refund of $2,101.13" from "A Texas based public agency". No refund is listed under my name at legitimate site, "Texas Unclaimed Property" at

Kathryn B

Oct 15,2020 12:50 PM

My parents had recieved a letter from the TRD informing them of the $2,128.13 that they were going to "lose". As another commenter has said there isn't a refund listed under their names at like a legitimate site, such as,"Texas Unclaimed Property" at Also no refund recovery should cost you any money when you have free services that will get you the same results as paying someone or getting it deducted from the refund. Stay safe and be careful of the information you may give out.

Alane M

Oct 23,2020 12:57 PM

I received a postcard from Texas Refund Department. Phone # 817-438-1898. I am in jeopardy of losing $2970.69 from A Texas based public agency and not the IRS. What is this all about. It doesn't look legit, I haven't called the number, so be careful.


Mar 10,2021 10:45 PM

Same as the other comments. Letter to recover money and if I don't act I am going to lose the money. Address on letter is 5601 Bridge St, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76112 to make it look legit. Probably a social engineering scam operation.

Nydia M

May 21,2021 04:47 PM

Also received a letter, they will be coming by today. Not inviting in my house, staying outside. I will update you soon. Thank God my husband is going to be with me.

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Detailed Information

  • Area Code: 817
  • Prefix: 438
  • Subscriber: 1898
  • State: Texas
  • City: Fort Worth
  • County: Tarrant
  • Company: At&t Local
  • Usage: Landline
  • Timezone: Most of the state: Central Standard Time (CST)
  • Time of search: June 6, 2024, 8:49 am

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