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438-764-5183 / (438) 764-5183

Detailed information located for 4387645183 from -

Receiving repeated calls from unknown phone number? Are you aware who might be the caller? Being annoyed by these caller or they are harassing you? Do you have any idea if they are a telemarketer or they are just a spam caller?

Owner Information

The name and exact address of the phone number owner has not listed. Our service provider can help you find the complete information about them to get to know more these number.

Comment for 438-764-5183


Mar 29,2020 08:32 AM

438-764-5183 & 438-809-5960-known to R.C.M.P. Montreal sexual pedophile Nabil L is pirated software seller of free Downloaded software from this convicted sexual pedophile, sexually abused and assaulted a 5 year old boy in a church basement washroom in LONGUEUIL. This unattractive and very sad overweight man lives in public housing in the province of Quebec and invites Women & children to his home to lie to there face and totally rip them off blind to make a peanut profit selling downloadable content that you get for free of the Internet ( ) CALL THE POLICE !!!! and the BSA report this scammer and send him to prison for life. Nabil L lives at *11480 avenue Pelletier Montreal,Quebec H1H 3S4 This sexual muppet sells trial pirated versions of Windows 10, office,autocad,& all adobe photoshop This COVID-19 ugly fat loser lives in a bed bugs and mice ridden apartment & drug infested neighborhood of Montreal.. He changes his numbers every week 438-764-5183*438-809-5960* Next week he will have another 2 new numbers to scam women and the Public. His time is limited on this earth, this demon possessed sub-human will perish & die soon of a Heart Attack and Stroke from a voodoo curse ????

Roc LE roc

Mar 29,2020 08:33 AM

438-764-5183 & 438-809-5960-known to R.C.M.P. Montreal sexual pedophile Nabil L is pirated software seller of free Downloaded software from this convicted sexual pedophile, sexually abused and assaulted a 5 year old boy in a church basement washroom in LONGUEUIL. This unattractive and very sad overweight man lives in public housing in the province of Quebec and invites Women & children to his home to lie to there face and totally rip them off blind to make a peanut profit selling downloadable content that you get for free of the Internet ( ) CALL THE POLICE !!!! and the BSA report this scammer and send him to prison for life. Nabil L lives at *11480 avenue Pelletier Montreal,Quebec H1H 3S4 This sexual muppet sells trial pirated versions of Windows 10, office,autocad,& all adobe photoshop This COVID-19 ugly fat loser lives in a bed bugs and mice ridden apartment & drug infested neighborhood of Montreal.. He changes his numbers every week 438-764-5183*438-809-5960* Next week he will have another 2 new numbers to scam women and the Public. His time is limited on this earth, this demon possessed sub-human will perish & die soon of a Heart Attack and Stroke from a voodoo curse ????

Liittle boy church fucker

Mar 29,2020 08:34 AM

438-764-5183 & 438-809-5960-known to R.C.M.P. Montreal sexual pedophile Nabil L is pirated software seller of free Downloaded software from this convicted sexual pedophile, sexually abused and assaulted a 5 year old boy in a church basement washroom in LONGUEUIL. This unattractive and very sad overweight man lives in public housing in the province of Quebec and invites Women & children to his home to lie to there face and totally rip them off blind to make a peanut profit selling downloadable content that you get for free of the Internet ( ) CALL THE POLICE !!!! and the BSA report this scammer and send him to prison for life. Nabil L lives at *11480 avenue Pelletier Montreal,Quebec H1H 3S4 This sexual muppet sells trial pirated versions of Windows 10, office,autocad,& all adobe photoshop This COVID-19 ugly fat loser lives in a bed bugs and mice ridden apartment & drug infested neighborhood of Montreal.. He changes his numbers every week 438-764-5183*438-809-5960* Next week he will have another 2 new numbers to scam women and the Public. His time is limited on this earth, this demon possessed sub-human will perish & die soon of a Heart Attack and Stroke from a voodoo curse ????

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Detailed Information

  • Area Code: 438
  • Prefix: 764
  • Subscriber: 5183
  • State:
  • City: Saint-Laurent
  • County:
  • Company: Public Mobile Incorporated
  • Usage: Landline
  • Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST)
  • Time of search: June 6, 2024, 9:56 pm

    By getting to know who your caller is, you can find the name and their exact location, we recommend to you our support to find the completed information of the callers but you will need to pay the service to be able to get the full details.