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425-411-2121 / (425) 411-2121

Detailed information located for 4254112121 from Washington - WA

Receiving repeated calls from unknown phone number? Are you aware who might be the caller? Being annoyed by these caller or they are harassing you? Do you have any idea if they are a telemarketer or they are just a spam caller?

Owner Information

The name and exact address of the phone number owner has not listed. Our service provider can help you find the complete information about them to get to know more these number.

Comment for 425-411-2121

Mary Brough

Jun 25,2021 12:57 PM

On June 23, 2021, someone from this number called me supposedly from Social Security. The initial recorded message said I had to push '1' to connect to a person or face federal charges that would be leveled on me due to issues with my SSN. I pushed '1', but was not overly polite to the person who answered (but did not identify who they were or with an agency association) because this is at least the 2nd such call I've had in the past few months. I assume that due to my response to them asking me who I was (I am the person you called threatening to level Federal charges against me) must have not been an acceptable response as they disconnected. This call came to my cell phone and I have seen this number come up several times in the past; however this is the first time I answered. There has been at least one other such call from a different number and that I answered but the message did not include any threats. However, when I did speak to a person, he had an Indian (as in from India) accent (or at least from that region), did not identify who he was or his agency. I queried him about this and he became quite defensive; gave me a badge number and his name (which I could not understand well enough to record despite having him repeat it several times). He asked if I wanted his green card number too - very defensive. I finally told him I was working, could not talk and we needed to make an appt. to talk. He was supposed to call me back the following Monday morning but did not do so and I did not pursue this any further.

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Detailed Information

  • Area Code: 425
  • Prefix: 411
  • Subscriber: 2121
  • State: Washington
  • City:
  • County:
  • Company:
  • Usage:
  • Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)
  • Time of search: June 6, 2024, 4:22 pm

    By getting to know who your caller is, you can find the name and their exact location, we recommend to you our support to find the completed information of the callers but you will need to pay the service to be able to get the full details.