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401-259-3744 / (401) 259-3744

Detailed information located for 4012593744 from Rhode Island - RI

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Comment for 401-259-3744


Jul 13,2020 11:37 AM

Someone please help someone from this number keep calling me saying that some one stole my SSI number and that my SSI number is now suspended and they will issue me a new number. I don't believe that this is true however they do have a lot my information. How can have them stopped.

Nancy Dayton

Jul 13,2020 11:49 AM

Just received a message on my work phone regarding fraudulent activity on my SS. I will not call back and I will never give out my SS number over phone. The number they left is 401-259-3742.

Jon e

Jul 13,2020 12:42 PM

As the previous people commented, received a call about ssn and fraudulent activities and to call them back. Clearly they're just scammers. Never give out your ssn.

michelle allen

Jul 13,2020 12:52 PM

These f.....ducks Are piece of schit scammers. Obviously I can spell but I’m keeping it classy. I hope someone finds them and beats the crap out of them. They told me I have warrants out and that there are multiple serious charges. I told them I wouldn’t give out my info and the guy started bullying me saying that the situation would be worse if I hung up. I was in my doctor’s office. I kept asking questions and he tried kept threatening me. I DO have an issue with the irs, someone filed under my social and I’ve been unable to get ANYTHING about the situation from the irs because they act like I’m the fake person otherwise I would have just hung up right away. Anyway, these phucks need to be dealt with

Frustrated Spam Recipient

Jul 13,2020 04:36 PM

401-259-3744 is a scam. They left a voicemail similar to the others described here, saying that there is fraudulent activity on my SS# and a lawsuit pending. Don't fall for it!

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Detailed Information

  • Area Code: 401
  • Prefix: 259
  • Subscriber: 3744
  • State: Rhode Island
  • City: Providence
  • County: Providence
  • Company: Global Naps Inc. - Ri
  • Usage: Landline
  • Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Time of search: June 6, 2024, 11:33 am

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