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202-642-4544 / (202) 642-4544

Detailed information located for 2026424544 from District of Columbia - DC

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Comment for 202-642-4544

Nadine Pence

Jun 29,2020 06:21 PM

I received a call from a unlisted number telling me that because I am disabled and on SSI I have been selected to receive a grant of $9000 from the government to spend on bettering my life after a state survey in 2019 I had been chosen, after confirming my name and address, he asked "if I prefer the check direct deposit in my acct or it can be money grammed to a local store and picked up today?', of course I selected cash and was told all I needed to do was call the US Gov Grants Dept, and give the woman my info code of SN2589 so she can retrieve my info and call the transfer in. The transfer number to call was 202-642-4544, When the woman answered she answered " United States Government Grant Department, how may I help you?" I explained the call that directed me to her and gave her info code SN2589 when she asked for it, and she stated all I had to do is register at any local store for the US Gov Grant Dept, and should call her while I am at the store so I get the correct ID card. Then she stated the card would cost me $200, and they would release my money. Of course I hung up, but I am tired of crooks like this taking advantage of the physically or mentally handicapped, and/or senior citizens. They state they know that we are on a fixed income, yet I have been disabled having paralysis in both hands and arms for about 7 yrs, and I think these crooks should see what it is like to want to improve our lives yet live on only 135% below poverty level because of a situation beyond our control. Let them struggle the years to finally budget so you wear used shoes after the ones you have get holes, so you may have the money for insurance to drive a car that you pray makes it to the doctor or grocery store and then celebrate if it gets you home before the food you need spoils in the heat or you freeze in the ice and snow. I have a mentally handicapped sister that has been targeted and put thru hell from these disgusting criminals. Why aren't they punished for the heartless crooks they are? They are worse then the purse snatchers robbing elderly womens purses in a parking lot. I don't wish having to live on the little income we have to. I may not be able to do the work I used to when my hands made me a valuable employee, but put me to work with our police officers to expose and convict these monsters, that have me filling out this info everyday in hope it will save someone from being taken of the pennies we have to buy toilet paper and cleaning necessities after using the funds we are given for the purpose we are supposed to to survive for the month . Please help me, find the program that will put my abilities to be a target to good use and at least I will be earning the money I receive and giving back to my country in some small but purposeful way. Thank you, Nadine Pence 520-304-9884. I live in S Dakota but kept my AZ number

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Detailed Information

  • Area Code: 202
  • Prefix: 642
  • Subscriber: 4544
  • State: District of Columbia
  • City: Washington
  • County: District of Columbia
  • Company: Cellco Partnership Dba Verizon Wireless - Dc
  • Usage: Wireless
  • Timezone:
  • Time of search: June 8, 2024, 11:49 pm

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